Join our free walking tours in Bucharest and stroll through 500 years of history from Vlad the Impaler, aka Dracula, to the “golden era” of communism, the ’89 Revolution and today’s protests.
Every day, rain or shine! Available in English, Spanish and Hebrew.
Join our free walking tours
Seasonal Tour Schedule
Starting point:
Sábado a las 15:00hs. Detalles AQUI
Punto de encuentro:
10:30 am – ogni Venerdi
Lunedi, Giovedì e Sabato – su richiesta
Dettagli della visita guidata QUI
La compilazione del modulo di contatto non rappresenta una conferma definitiva. Confermeremo la tua richiesta con una risposta dettagliata.
*Soggetto a modifiche. Si prega di controllare l’orario di inizio del tour un giorno prima di partecipare.
Punto di partenza:
Winter Schedule:
Friday & Saturday – 10:30 am
Monday, Thursday & Sunday at 3:00 pm*
*Subject to change. Please check the tour hour starting hour one day before joining.
Additional details and description HERE
Starting point :
Bucharest has many hidden gems in the form of museums and art galleries waiting to be discovered
Romania has a fascinating history and, although we try to share as much as possible during our free tours
How much you know about Romania? At the end of the quiz you will receive a role in the Romanian Royal Court. Let the games begin!
Summers can get very hot in Bucharest but the good news it that there are a lot of gardens and terraces where you can cool down and enjoy a cold lemonade, coffee or a nice good wine. Just pick one from the list below and enjoy